AB 1831 - Preventing AI-Enabled Child Exploitation Act
AB 1831 would close a loophole in existing law that prevents law enforcement from prosecuting people who possess, distribute, and create AI-generated sexually explicit images of children.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 29, 2024. Chapter 926, Statutes of 2024.
AB 1937 - Expand Access to Pacifica State Beach and the Coastal Trail
AB 1937 would facilitate the City of Pacifica’s acquisition of an excess Caltrans property near Pacifica State Beach. The property will provide additional public beach parking for Pacifica State Beach and will eventually serve as the trailhead parking lot for the California Coastal Trail, which is being constructed through the Pedro Point Headlands.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chapter 365, Statutes of 2024.
AB 1958 would add project management experience to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors list of desired qualifications.
Paused in Senate Transportation to allow for more conversations with VTA Leaders.
AB 1962 would strengthen California’s law against revenge porn by closing the loopholes in the current law ensuring individuals that distribute a secretly recorded or stolen image fall under revenge porn statute.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chapter 367, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2057 - Improving College Transfer
AB 2057 would enact four high-impact recommendations from the Associate Degree for Transfer Intersegmental Implementation Committee to improve transfer for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students. This bill would also extend this Committee by two years to continue student-centered efforts to improve transfer.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 27, 2024. Chapter 696, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2083 - Industrial Manufacturing Modernization Act
AB 2083 would require the California Energy Commission to develop a plan for the state to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases in the state's industrial sector in order to reach California's ambitious climate targets.
Held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
AB 2097 - Computer Science for All Act
AB 2097 would guarantee that all students in California have access to computer science education by requiring all public high schools to adopt a plan to offer at least one computer science course. Thirty-one other states already require every high school to offer a computer science course. Eight states now require a computer science course for high school graduation. California has fallen behind 40 other states in the percentage of high schools offering at least one computer science course, exacerbating educational inequities and diversity gaps.
Held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
AB 2154 - Mental Health Resources for Family
AB 2154 would ensure that if a person is involuntarily detained under the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act for mental health assessment, evaluation, or treatment, then a family member would be provided a copy of the Department of Health Care Services' prepared patients' rights handbook to better support their loved ones.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 27, 2024. Chapter 635, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2127 - New Motor Voter Implementation Oversight
Cosponsored by the League of Women Voters and the ACLU, AB 2127 would extend the tenure of the California New Motor Voter taskforce in order to ensure effective implementation and evaluation of the New Motor Voter program as it is updated and refined.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chapter 378, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2164 would clarify that the questionnaire issued by the Medical Board to every licensed physician at the time of license renewal to establish that the physician currently has no disorder that would impair the physician’s ability to practice medicine safely may be submitted back to the Medical Board electronically.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 29, 2024. Chapter 952, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2176 - Youth Justice Access to Education
AB 2176 ensures that incarcerated students’ fundamental right to an equitable education is not arbitrarily denied.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chapter 385, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2199 – Infill Housing in Urbanized Counties
AB 2199 extends a limited exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act for multi-family residential and mixed-use housing projects in unincorporated areas of California, thereby expanding an existing exemption for infill projects in cities. This bill promotes housing projects within urbanized areas in our counties and helps address California’s housing crisis without adversely impacting the environment.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 19, 2024. Chapter 271, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2458 - Greater Accessibility, Information, Notice, and Support (GAINS) for Student Parents Act
AB 2458 would help student parents afford, enroll in, and successfully complete their higher education journey. Specifically, this bill would ensure that student parents obtain the financial aid they are eligible to receive by taking into account their child care expenses and require campuses to uniformly collect and report student parent data for advancing their success.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 29, 2024. Chapter 962, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2511 - Closing the Loop on Beverage Container Recycling
AB 2511 would extend the sunset on California’s successful plastic market development program, which was created to encourage increased use of California generated recycled beverage container material, create and maintain jobs in California, and close the loop on plastic beverage container recycling.
AB 2583 will increase safety in school zones through lower speed limits and new, safety-oriented tools for cities to lower speeds around schools.
Held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
AB 2642 - Protecting Elections from Armed Coercion and Extremism Act (PEACE Act)
AB 2642 would enhance the protection of every voter's fundamental right to cast a ballot and help ensure that election workers are free from interference and intimidation. The Protecting Elections from Armed Coercion and Extremism Act (PEACE Act) strengthens and supplements existing anti-intimidation laws by providing explicit civil protections for both election workers and voters. It also establishes a presumption that people who carry firearms around election activities or workers are intimidating.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 24, 2024. Chapter 533, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2655 - Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception
AB 2655 would protect election integrity by requiring large social media platforms to restrict, for a limited period of time immediately before and after an election, the posting and distribution with intent to influence the election, of materially deceptive and digitally altered or created images, audio, or video recording described above. For other material, AB 2655 would require social media platforms to label other AI created or modified election disinformation meant to influence.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 17, 2024. Chapter 261, Statutes of 2024.
AB 2668 - Health Insurance Coverage for Wigs
AB 2668 would have provided health insurance coverage for wigs or hairpieces for Californians experiencing medical hair loss due to health conditions, including alopecia areata.
Held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
AB 2768 - Special Education Teacher Student Loan Forgiveness
AB 2768 would have allowed teachers at qualifying nonpublic nonsectarian schools, such as the Esther B Clark Schools (part of the Children’s Health Council), to qualify for California's student loan forgiveness programs.
Held in the Senate Appropriations Committee.
AB 2876 - AI Literacy Education
AB 2876 directs the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) to incorporate AI literacy curriculum content into the core subject curriculum frameworks when those frameworks are next revised.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 29, 2024. Chapter 927, Statutes of 2024.
AB 3054 would clarify that the existing conflict of interest and gift prohibition applicable to the Director of the Department of Cannabis Control would apply more broadly to gubernatorial appointees at the Department.
AB 3158 - West Valley-Mission Community College District Tuition Waiver
AB 3158 would enable the West Valley-Mission Community College District (WVMCCD) to waive tuition fees for all students living in its service area. This bill would put significant financial resources back into students’ pockets ensuring students do not have to choose between taking the extra class they need or affording groceries or rent.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 22, 2024. Chapter 435, Statutes of 2024.
AB 3184 - Rejected Vote By Mail Ballot Report
AB 3184 would clarify that the existing law requirement that the Secretary of State issue a report on vote-by-mail ballot rejection data applies to all elections involving state offices.
AB 3209 - Retail Crime Restraining Orders
AB 3209 would authorize a court to impose a Retail Crime Restraining Order for a theft offense, vandalism, or battery on an employee within the store. This bill would provide a new enforcement tool that will keep stores and workers safe from crime.
This bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on August 16, 2024. Chapter 169, Statutes of 2024.