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Berman Bulletin: Legislative Victories & Community Updates


I hope you had a fun, festive, and safe 4th of July holiday and weekend.

I want to update you on the remarkable progress we’ve made on legislation and initiatives to improve our communities and all of California. This spring I passed 24 bills out of the Assembly and on to the Senate. Many of these bills were brought to me by community members who either proposed a specific bill idea or came to me with a problem that they wanted me to solve. Learn more about these bills below.

February 2024 Newsletter

I am excited to share a first look at the bills I've introduced this year.

Many of this year’s bills were brought to me by you, my constituents. You shared your ideas about how to solve a problem you saw in the community, and together we developed legislation that will improve the lives of all Californians.

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Fall is a special time of year in the 23rd Assembly District — from delighting in the changes in the foliage to crowning the world’s largest pumpkin in Half Moon Bay. One reason why fall is so special for me is the conclusion of the legislative year in Sacramento and the chance to spend much more time in the district.

Summer 2023 Newsletter

Summer 2023 Newsletter


While everyone is enjoying the nicer summer weather, backyard barbeques, and hopefully a trip or two out of town, I wanted to send you an update on my work for our community. The Legislature is currently on our summer recess, but I'm proud to report that before we left Sacramento all of my bills passed out of the policy committees in the Senate, even in the face of opposition from powerful special interests like the gun lobby and big business.

Spring 2023 Newsletter


Ramadan Mubarak, Happy Easter, and Chag Sameach to all who are celebrating.

The 2023-24 Legislative Session is off to a very busy start and, as winter finally turns to spring, I wanted to update you on what I’m working on this year. I am really excited about the package of bills I have introduced to improve the lives of my constituent and all Californians.

That's a Wrap on 2022

California State Capitol


That's a wrap on the 2021-22 Legislative Session.

The end of session gives me an opportunity to spend more time in the place that I love most, my district, meeting with and hearing from constituents.

It is also a time to pause, reflect on the previous year, and envision what's to come.

Before I continue, I realize that 40% of you might be wondering "who is this guy, and why is he sending me an email?" My name is Marc Berman, and I am your new California State Assemblymember. For the past six years, I had the honor of representing the 24th Assembly District. Based on redistricting after the 2020 Census, the boundaries and the number of my district have changed, and I now represent the 23rd Assembly District and, for the first time, the communities of Campbell, Saratoga, a portion of west San Jose, and the San Mateo County coast from north of Half Moon Bay up through Pacifica. The new district also encompasses 60% of my constituents from the prior district, including Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, Woodside, Portola Valley, and the San Mateo County coast from Half Moon Bay south through Pescadero.

While it is bittersweet to no longer represent some cities that I came to love during my first six years in the Assembly, I am excited to get to know the residents of the new communities I now represent, as well as the issues you care about most.

This newsletter includes an update on my work in the Assembly over the last year. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me to be your voice in Sacramento as I work to deliver for our community.

In this newsletter:

Wishing you and yours a safe and festive holiday season.



Asm. Berman

Marc Berman
Assemblymember, 23rd District

2020 Year-in-Review Newsletter

California State Capitol


We have been challenged greatly this year - by a global pandemic, wildfires, racial injustice, and a divisive election. Yet despite these unprecedented and trying circumstances, I have been impressed time and again by our collective resilience and efforts to support our friends and neighbors who are struggling the most.

I wish you and yours a safe holiday season and good health in the New Year. It is my greatest wish that we will be able to celebrate together again soon, but until then, I want to thank each of you for your continued understanding, cooperation, and sacrifice.



Asm. Berman

Marc Berman
Assemblymember, 24th District

2019 Year-in-Review Newsletter

California State Capitol


What a year 2019 has been, both personally and professionally. This year I got married, moved to Menlo Park (shout out to all of my new neighbors!), and my team and I took on important issues with a broad package of bills. Though some of our efforts did not become law, such as providing homeless community college students with a safe place to sleep at night, we had some big wins, and we will keep up the fight to eliminate barriers like hunger and housing that make obtaining an education, employment, and economic security all the more difficult. It has been a busy year, with many events throughout the 24th Assembly District. If you were unable to attend any events this year, look for details about upcoming events on my website and social media. I hope you enjoy the updates below. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season and Happy New Year! 



Asm. Berman

Marc Berman
Assemblymember, 24th District

December 2018 Newsletter

California State Capitol


As 2018 winds down, I find myself reflecting on the previous year and envisioning what’s to come in 2019. I am grateful to have served as your Assemblymember for the past two years, and I look forward to continuing to represent you and the communities that comprise the 24th Assembly District. There is still so much work to do to make our great state an equitable and healthy home for all Californians, and I look forward to making more progress next year. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the updates below and have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!



Asm. Berman

Marc Berman
Assemblymember, 24th District