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Berman, Vice Mayor Jones Announce Agreement on VTA Governance Reform

SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) and San José Vice Mayor and current VTA Board Chair Chappie Jones jointly call for a state audit of the Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) governance structure, fiscal management, and project planning and monitoring.

Assemblymember Berman Announces Coalition of Support for VTA Governance Reform

SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) announced support from a regional coalition of elected leaders and former VTA board members, led by Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, for the need to achieve meaningful, structural reform of the Santa Clara County Valley Transportation Authority’s (VTA) governing board.

Assemblymember Berman Statement on Draft U.S. Supreme Court Opinion on Roe V. Wade

Five members of the Supreme Court are set to unleash an historic attack on women's rights by allowing conservative state legislatures dominated by white men to deny women access to abortions. Such an action will disproportionately impact women of color, young women, and poor women who are less able to travel out of state to seek safe and legal medical services.