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Proposed bill would allow homeless students to sleep in community college parking lots overnight

Homeless community college students will be permitted to park and sleep in their cars overnight at any community college in California if Assembly Bill 302 proposed by a former Palo Alto city councilman passes.

AB 302 is a proposed state mandate that would require community colleges with parking facilities to allow overnight parking for homeless students. The schools would apply to the state to get their expenses reimbursed for creating these safe parking lots.

To qualify for the program, students must be enrolled in courses, have paid for those courses and must be in good standing with their college.

Assemblyman Marc Berman, D-Palo Alto, who authored the bill, said he was moved during five informational hearings throughout the state during the 2017-2018 legislative session, when students shared their stories of homelessness and housing insecurities that prevented them from completing their degrees.