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Berman Bill to Develop Nation-Leading Plan to Decarbonize California’s Manufacturing Sector Clears Assembly

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO - Today, Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) announced the passage of his green manufacturing proposal through the Assembly. The bill will create a centralized plan to decarbonize California’s vital manufacturing sector. AB 2083 is a pivotal first step to drive innovation and funding for the inevitable shift to clean manufacturing and ensure California’s continued leadership for years to come. 

“Last July was the world's hottest month on record, the hottest in 120,000 years, and the worst is yet to come. While California continues to be a global leader in addressing the climate crisis, our Earth depends on us doing much more,” said Assemblymember Marc Berman. “Industrial emissions are the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the state and have largely remained unaddressed. That’s why we need AB 2083 to guide California’s historically hard-to-decarbonize industrial sector to a zero emission future.”

Industrial emissions from California’s manufacturing facilities make up 23% of greenhouse gas emissions in the state, the largest source after transportation. Unfortunately, industrial emissions have remained flat or even risen in recent years, with these same sources also emitting large quantities of air pollution that disproportionately impacts environmental justice communities. Without a roadmap, California will have no clear plan or strategy to decarbonize the industrial sector to meet its 2030 or 2045 GHG emissions targets. 

“As a world leader in manufacturing, California has a critical opportunity to support our businesses and protect our lungs by devising a plan to modernize manufacturing facilities across the state,” said Adrian Martinez, Deputy Managing Attorney of Earthjustice’s Right To Zero campaign. “By developing a clear plan to reduce emissions, we can both support this vital sector of our economy and curb a major source of pollution at the same time.”

“Many of the solutions we need to clean up emissions from California’s industrial sector are already widely available,” said Evan Gillespie, Partner at Industrious Labs. “California businesses are already using electric ovens and heat pumps to mass produce food and other goods. They’re beginning to deploy thermal energy storage to provide high temperature, zero-emissions heat. By developing a clear plan to decarbonize now, we can help all of our state’s manufacturers find incentives and solutions to upgrade their equipment to zero-emissions technologies.”

AB 2083 would require that the California Energy Commission prepare a report that assesses the potential for the state to reduce GHG emissions in the state’s industrial facilities’ heat application equipment and processes by at least 85 percent below 1990 levels by January 1, 2045. By cutting pollution from industrial facilities, the roadmap will deliver tangible health benefits for overburdened communities, while also providing California’s valued manufacturing businesses with the funding assistance and market certainty they need for sustained economic growth.

“As the largest area in the country for manufacturing, AB 2083 is critical to ensuring that Southern California can continue to lead in providing good job prospects and innovative solutions which are vital for protecting communities all while keeping the economy humming," said Marven E. Norman, Policy Coordinator at the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice. 

“Manufacturing industries are critical to our economy, but we don’t have to choose between supporting these industries and improving our air quality,” said Kevin Hamilton, Founder of the Central California Asthma Collaborative. ”AB 2083 ensures a plan is created to map the pathway to help manufacturers transition to readily available zero emissions technologies and clean up that pollution once and for all."

“California is falling behind in reaching our landmark climate goals, and industrial emissions make up nearly a quarter of our state's climate pollution,” said Gabriela Facio, California Policy Strategist at the Sierra Club. “It’s time for the Golden State to develop a plan to modernize manufacturing with zero-emissions technologies across the state. Passing AB 2083 is crucial to securing federal funding opportunities, facilitating a just transition in an important sector of California’s economy, and maintaining our leadership on climate."